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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-22 05:30 分类:摄影 浏览:101 评论:0

导读:  “婚纱”的英文大家应该不陌生,就是weddingdress或者weddinggown,那么“婚纱照”用英语怎么说?  不要想当然地说成weddinggownphoto...

  “婚纱”的英文大家应该不陌生,就是wedding dress或者wedding gown,那么“婚纱照”用英语怎么说?

  不要想当然地说成wedding gown photo,这个就是指a photo of wedding gown,婚纱的照片,而不是我们所说的“婚纱照”。其实“婚纱照”更简单,直接说wedding photo就可以啦。例如: We laughed and had tears in our eyes as we enjoyed looking through our wedding photos again. 当我们将自己的婚纱照又看了一遍时,我们笑了,眼眶中带着泪水。 另外“婚纱照”一般是在婚礼前拍摄的,所以也可以说pre-wedding photo,例如: John and his fiancee got their pre-wedding photos taken early Tuesday morning. 周二一早John和未婚妻就拍好了婚纱照。

  说起结婚时的礼服配饰,西方有个说法叫做"something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue"。字面意思很好理解,那么究竟有啥含义呢? 这句话起源于Victorian era(维多利亚时期),每一件东西都有它的象征意义,是新娘的幸运物: Something old,旧的东西,象征着continuity with the bride's family and the past(新娘与家人及过去生活之间的纽带); Something new,新的东西,象征着optimism and hope for the bride's new life ahead(新娘未来生活充满美好与希望); Something borrowed,借来的东西,通常来源于某个拥有幸福婚姻生活的朋友或家人,表示good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride(她的幸福也将在新娘身上得以延续),同时也提醒着新娘,she can depend on her friends and family(朋友和家人是她永远的依靠)。 Something blue,蓝色的东西。几个世纪前,蓝色就与婚姻相联系。在古罗马,新娘携带蓝色的东西以示love, modesty, and fidelity(爱,谦逊和忠诚)。在19世纪下叶以前,婚纱常常是蓝色的,所以有句谚语叫做:Marry in blue, lover be true.

  China's NBA star center Yao Ming (L) and sweetheart Ye Li, also a basketball player, shoot pre-wedding photos at Tai Huyuan scenic resort in Lin'an of east China's Zhejiang Province July 30, 2007. Subscribers to a local website forum said the couple shot the photos there and the local residents of the scenic resort later confirmed it.


  就该图片说明而言,姚明拍照时并未举行正式婚礼,所以,“婚纱照”在此表示为“pre-wedding photo”比较确切。

  日常生活中,若想单指新娘的“婚纱照”,可用“bridal photo”或“bridal portrait”来表达。当然,很多时候,我们谈的“婚纱照”包括新郎和新娘,这时,“婚纱照”可表达为wedding photo/portrait,或者是pre-wedding photo/portrait。

  值得一提的是,“wedding gown/dress”可是单指新娘的服装,新郎穿不得。新郎一般穿“tuxedo”。



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